Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Future of Technology free essay sample

The future of technology is unknown for now. Many have talked about the subject matter. Technology might be leading us to a world of pure happiness and a place we all fantasized about when we were young or is it leading us down the wrong road with no return where we lose ourselves in the process. The great power it has over one can be truly reflected by the way they interact with others and how we rely on the computer for the answers. However, can we truly say its hurting us as a society? As we find new ways to improve our existence on earth, it slowly creates a world at peace where we can finally learn and improve our mentally. Technology a great and powerful tool can rise chaos within a civilization but can also generalizes us the greater species with wonders to contribute to the world we live in. We will write a custom essay sample on The Future of Technology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Technology is one great and powerful source. It has made many chores or work easier than ever before. One can simply at a push of a button, that chore youve been doing for an hour is cut down to only twenty minutes. As technology evolves, human beings evolve with it. For the better of ourselves or the destruction of individuality? In Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, written in the future where one has no family but everyone is one. Their evolution of technology has demonstrated how far one can go to create a new reality with no family or no individuality but just â€Å"pure† happiness. With technology at their reach, pain and other emotion humans hate to feel is never felt with usage of one single soma. They greatly encourage people to use the drug in order to be happy and have no sorrow which is stated and quoted And if ever, by some unlucky chance, anything unpleasant should somehow happen, why, there’s always soma to give you a holiday from the facts. And there’s always soma to calm your anger, to reconcile you to your enemies, to make you patient and long-suffering. In the past you could only accomplish these things by making a great effort and after years of hard moral training. Now, you swallow two or three half-gramme tablets, and there you are. Anybody can be virtuous now. You can carry at least half your morality about in a bottle. Christianity without tears? that’s what soma is. (Huxley,ch17) This shows how far technology can. To the point where feeling pain and sadness is no longer felt but neither has it created a utopia or dystopia. It’s being seen though different points of views though out the book; one cannot simply define it heaven or hell but in this case a  utopia or dystopia. In addition to technology changing the way we view things, it is also changing the way we learn. Many believe that technology isnt helping advance the future generation. According to a New York Times article, Internet and search engines had a mostly positive impact on student research skills. they need skills that are different than Spit, spit, theres the answer(nytimes) which states that students do use technology to research for school and further their research but they are often they expect that the answers will be there given on a silver platter. This creates a border line between great sources to help improve further research but also crafted students to expect that all the answers are on the Internet. No one can surely say that technology has ruined or created a peaceful world but it has created a world that surely can achieve either; one being a world of great achievements or just plain mindless beings looking for answers by a single click of a button. However many would argue that technology has created a world full of â€Å"cyborgs†. We live our lives as our human selves and secondary selves (our life on the internet) with no real connect to the outside world but in our computer space at home. In a video titled â€Å"We are all Cyborgs now†, the speaker states â€Å"Technology is evolving us, as we become a screen-staring, button-clicking new version of homosapiens. We now rely on external brains (cell phones and computers) to communicate, remember, even live out secondary lives. But will these machines ultimately connect or conquer us? † (Case). She surely states that the world has become full of computer talking humans who no longer live lives of our own. Technology can surely ultimately connect us to great contributions to the world and enrich our minds with new found knowledge creating a world defined by a utopia but it can surely conquer us and create chaos within the world and human interaction. Technology neither has created a utopia or dystopia state but done wonders for world-wide communication and resources and at the same we’re losing bits of our natural human instincts in the process. Advancement of man in the modern world has created a world at high levels of questioning and looking for the answer using the technology that has been created over the years. But technology has also had played its part in the downfall of human beings and how we use it for our needs in everyday life. Many reject the value of technology as it shown that many of us are walking talking computers and needless to say robots controlled by our cell phones and computers. Prior to our cell phones and computers that has lessen our human instincts but have also taken responsibility of creating a world of new ideas and a step closer to having all the answers to impossible questions. Therefore, technology hasn’t created a dystopia or a utopia but has created both; a world that demonstrates high understanding of solving problems but also has created human being of less advancement and losing our selves to a computer screen.

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